NRMA_Paul's profile
Bronze user

Bronze user


246 Messages

Monday, August 29th, 2022 2:03 AM

Welcome to the brand new EV community!

Welcome to the brand new EV community!

We're excited to be here with you creating a space where we can share knowledge, ideas and spark up a conversation on all things EV!

First off though, we'd love to get know our newcomers. Please comment here and let us know something about you. 

Some suggestions to get you started:

  • What excites you about an EV future?
  • What are you currently driving?
  • What's your dream car?

Keep in mind that our community is for everyone, so whether you are an EV driver or interested in making the switch, this community is for you.

Looking forward to hearing more from you! :)

EV community admin

Community support


44 Messages

2 years ago

Hi everyone, my name is Daniel and I work for the NRMA. I am excited to be part of this community as I'm interested in a cleaner, quieter (I live near a main road) future of motoring.

I don't expect to be in the market for a new car for a few years. But by then, I'm hoping EV prices will have fallen to near parity with ICE vehicles. For environmental, driving experience and lower running cost reasons, I much prefer the idea of buying an EV over an ICE vehicle but I also feel there's a lot I need to learn to make the right decision.

From what I've read, range doesn't seem to be a big concern except for road trips, so I'm also interested to see more regional/outer suburban charge points. 

Look forward to being involved!

Community support


44 Messages

2 years ago

Good evening, community members! I hope your week is going well so far? As spring arrived earlier this month, so did our EV Community. :) Thank you all for your support so far. Special shout out to @Jim_Hare @Ludicrous_Feed @Jack777 @declanscott @Bigguy and @BlueTongueEngraving for your early contributions and a very warm welcome to this week's arrivals: @alextewes @JodieW @Lew_dod @Sidchak @Scienceguru @Hetherington @PCLoadLetter @Parramaniac @VirIIx @Hamilton @meloccom @TomL @Baa9 @amalcolmf @Azzopardi @SERENITY @Oldad @Park @nfoulon
It has been a great pleasure to read your posts and learn from your ideas and questions.

I've got a couple of questions to ask:

For the EV drivers, what is your favourite thing about owning an EV?

For anyone else, what is the main obstacle to you driving an EV?


Bronze user


246 Messages

2 years ago

Hey all, I hope everyone is keeping safe and dry this week? We’re now well into our second month since launching our EV Community and well in triple digits over 200 members. Welcome to our new members
 @2sheds , @A_Tesla_in_Newcastle , @adamonline , @adriangraham , @Adrienne , @aheydler , @ajk , @AlexM ,@AlexMar , @AnotherCrankyOldGit , @Anuraj , @aussiechef67 , @bernde , @Bert , @Bheapy , @BigJohn , @Bills99 , @Bimmerboy , @BlueKona , @cbel0606 , @Chariot , @clayton4115 , @Cooper , @cross , @DavidR , @DavisDigital , @Domso  @DrDoug , @DWil , @Echoherbie @Enforcer @EViking , @evlove , @EVNick , @evtricity , @EVWen , @felicitee @Fireflier @Fred_OCN , @Fryc , @Gaffa , @Gavin60 , @ggussey , @Gizmobaby , @gordonr  @granata1960 , @Grumpy , @Hak , @HansKR , @Harding , @Hull , @ian_george , @incazo_ian , @James , @Jayanarayan , @Jeff , @JeffG , @Jens , @jimw8 , @jocko , @Jonus , @Juniper , @Kerr , @kezme , @kjd18468 , @knclark , @Larkspur , @Lasiorhinus_krefftii , @LookUp , @LouB , @m_bailey , @MAC089 , @Maddie , @malteser , @Markwick , @moybius , @Mukesh , @Newman , , @NewtownTesla , @Nic_Doll , @OConnell , @Onward , @Pacey , @Peter , @peterben , @peterl , @Phil , @Prospector2021 , @Psdsoft , @qiSun , @ringsau , @rodvickers , @Ron , @Roy , @Ruby ,@SageMike , @Sally , @SamT , @saulleighton , @Schild , @ShallowAl , @SilentCar , @Simpson , @SovanGhosh , @Stevens , @Stupot , @swamprat96 , @Tait , @Tesla_Mif , @TessieBoomBoom , @timbo2002 , @TJCHIA , @Togusa09 , @Tomkinson , @TonyG , @TrickyRicky , @Tucker , @uday143 , @WannabeEV , @Will , @Windy11 , @Wires ,@Yadav , @Yarrah

The Discussion about the NRMA EV fast charging networks is our most popular topic to date, and in response to your questions we are working to give clearer updates on new sites and locations. Please keep sharing your questions and comments on this topic or raise any new ones, as we’re listening and feeding them back to the team.

We have learned so much from this community already - having so many people sharing their lived experiences around the transition to EVs is creating a powerful resource. We encourage all EV owners and potential owners to use the platform to share information, challenges and experiences so far with the switch to electric. With that in mind, we’d really love to get your thoughts on What advice would you give to someone looking to buy an EV?

Thanks again for joining this movement towards a more sustainable future of motoring. Feel free to post your own questions, advice or painpoints or see if you can help answer some of the questions other members are asking.

Bronze user


246 Messages

2 years ago

Hi all, Wow, we're already in November, and as we get closer to the end of the year for some long awaited holidays, it's great to see some new members of the community too. A warm welcome to @AngelaM , @Antos , @ARWW , @BartCitroen , @Brody , @David , @dgb900 , @Greeny , @halans , @Higibbo , @ITGEEK , @Jamesk811 , @jcairns , @John , @ksircombe , @Larry , @lydboo , @Michael , @michaelday , @mja279 , . Free free to post your questions and get involved in the community as there's lots of great discussion going on here. 

I do have a couple of questions to ask though:

For the EV owners, what has been your favourite road trip destination so far? 

And for those who are still researching or waiting for delivery of an EV, where are you planning to go on your first road trip? 

Bronze user


246 Messages

2 years ago

Hello Everyone

A special welcome to our newest community Members @Altctragic , @ayermas , @Burgjoh , @choccyboy @colleenflis , @coref1 , @CraigZ ,@DaveMac, @Gowri, @Grizabella , @jspira , @Julian , @kentfitch , @kranky , @LiquidSunset , @Lorna , @LynF , @Mal_P2 , @malyneal , @MarekM  . It's been great to see some new names and comments in our forums and we hope you'll ask more question, share experiences and enjoy our EV community.  

Our ongoing discussion around the NRMA EV fast charging network
continues to be one of our most engaging posts, which leads me to a question. 

What location are you most excited to see an EV charger installed? 

Bronze user


246 Messages

2 years ago

Good afternoon everyone. We're getting nearer to the end of the year and as we look back, we're super proud of launching our EV Community with that said, a special shout-out to these new users who have joined over the last few weeks @AndrewS , @anthony1234 ,@ARM , @Avago , @BeeGee @Biggabs ,@BushCapital96 , @cjlawton , @Cotman , @Ecogreen , @evintouch , @EVJourney , @Greg , @JohnS , @karan9418 , @Kram , @Marcus , @mcowl , @MogBrown , @nerakyllas , @Neville , @nickbaxter , @Nigel , @NobodyFamous , @ONeill , @phred , @pikachu , @pilufi , @rgev , @RikCrev , @rspap , @Sam , @Steveo , @Thwaites , @topelectriccarstech , @Townsend , @twMX , @Wildbork . It's been great to see some great comments and questions asked on this channel and I hope we can continue to see these come through. 

It's no surprise that we receive alot of comments and questions about the NRMA EV fast charging network and we're aiming to launch more locations next year and look to see how we can also improve existing sites. 

Wondering, have you used the EV charging network so far and if so, what has been your experience? 

We love hearing any feedback, suggestions and improvements as we all continue this journey. 
