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252 Messages
Discussion about the NRMA EV fast charging network
In this topic, we are hosting a discussion around the NRMA EV fast charging network. We're interested in hearing from the community about anything you would like to raise, for example:
- About the NRMA fast charging network
- Feedback and faults about our chargers
- Your charger location wishlist
- Charger inspo – Places to eat and local attractions near our chargers
Since 2017, the NRMA has been rolling out the largest electric vehicle charging network in Australia. More than 50 electric car charging stations have been installed across major NSW roads such as the Hume, Newell, Sturt and Oxley Highways, as well as the Mitchell, Pacific, Olympic and Great Western Highways.
Our goal is to continue to grow the network so that Members with EVs will be able to confidently tour all of NSW and ACT and beyond. We are investing in the NRMA fast charging network to help to future-proof our regional communities and keep you moving now and into the future.
EV community admin
New user
14 Messages
2 years ago
I’ve used the NRMA fast chargers a few times. Absolutely brilliant!
Not only were they free to use and in convenient locations, but always a great opportunity to chat with other owners while our cars juiced up.
They have made long distance EV travel that much easier and will only get better with time.
New user
6 Messages
2 years ago
You're doing a great job for touring users but how about more chargers in city areas, where most people live? Many current EVs only have a limited range and are used locally, not for long trips, so it would be great to have more suburban chargers.
New user
2 Messages
2 years ago
How does the pricing work? Are you able to pay directly at the charger for a one off charge?
New user
1 Message
2 years ago
The network is appreciated, but I am disappointed, and have been caught out, when you arrive at a location with a single charger only to find it dead, but still showing as ok on the apps (NRMA / Plugshare). This is then compounded when there are no other local charging options. I have been towed 3 times due to this happening. When Coonamble and Wilcannia got two chargers at their sites I thought NRMA had listened, but then Broken Hill gets a single charger.
Driving a Tesla S100D I have the advantage of range, more so than a lot of EVs. That said, I don't have Range Anxiety, instead I have Charger Anxiety. As a Tesla driver I also have options other brands of EVs don't have. For example, Dubbo and Bathurst have the single NRMA charger beside multiple Tesla chargers.
When a charger goes down, while sometimes it is only for a few days, other times I have seen them out of service for months. There are some planned trips I have had to delay because there were no 'charger stepping stones' to get me to my destination. It's all good and fine to blame 'supply chain issues' for shortness of parts. Excuses don't help us if a charger is down.
I have suggested to NRMA that even a single phase, or 3 phase outlet mounted on or adjacent to the charger would help where we could use our own chargers to get a slow charge. Feedback says not possible. I'm an electrician and can't understand why. Even if (to protect it from general use) it was controlled by an NRMA phone call activation if you arrive at a charger and it is down.
Some of my EV friends say I shouldn't comment / complain when the service is free. I am, as said above, appreciative of the network, but as a member of over 35 years, and 3 vehicles on top cover, I feel I have the right to raise concerns in the hope the network can be improved.
I look forward to seeing how the NRMA network, along with Chargefox, Evie, Tesla, etc will grow, and hopefully in line with EV uptake. Of course, early adopters will face issues, but are also in a position to comment on system weaknesses. Thanks NRMA for the platform, and I'm well and truly open to assisting in improving things.
Bronze user
52 Messages
2 years ago
There are literally no locations in NSW where a single stall charger is appropriate anymore! Sales of EVs are skyrocketing. And Mittagong, one of your busiest single-stall sites, is usually queued 1-2 cars deep when it isn’t faulty. Oh, and it’s currently faulty.
I spent ages yesterday helping an older lady in an XC40, who was visiting Bowral, found she couldn’t use Mittagong because it’s faulty, and then found she couldn’t use Sutton Forest because the cable there is so much heavier. I’m a big guy and I can handle them. But she’s both older and her XC40 (just like the Polestar) won’t lock the cable until charging starts, and the cable is so heavy that if it’s not held in perfectly when charging starts, it aborts. Over and over and over. She didn’t deserve this! Charging needs to be more accessible than this!
New user
1 Message
2 years ago
The NRMA chargers are fantastic- great to have them located where Tesla Superchargers are not (eg Jugiong instead of Gundagai, Yass instead of Goulburn).I'd happily pay to use them if they can be rolled out in more country areas.
My only comment is that it would be good to get the local council to install rubbish bins adjacent the chargers.
New user
3 Messages
2 years ago
A couple of things the NRMA may add to their list.
Education about charging and etiquette. May include- Charge to % needed and leave. The last 10% charging is slow so if there’s a queue vacate if you don’t need 100%. Don’t block a fast charger If your vehicle only charges at a slow rate unless you have to. Eg hybrids. Be back when the charging is finished. Report faulty equipment and Check in via apps.
Education / promotion about the many benefits of sustainable energy and transportation. Not just an odd advertisement but a proper ongoing campaign.
Lobby the regulators, councils and building industry to standardise equipment and to include charging facilities in new construction and renovations.
Look at level 2 (slower rate) street and car park charging where there are flats and units for people without garages.
Consult folk, lots of smart people out there.
New user
15 Messages
2 years ago
The EV charging network you guys are rolling out is great and Tesla has done a great job for their customers. It would be great if there could be a contribution from all manufacturers towards accelerating the rollout of fast chargers perhaps they have to install a certain capacity of charging per sales or a fee per vehicle sold. Also the chargers should be able to show their status so you can see on an app if they are available.
New user
1 Message
2 years ago
I'm planning my first long trip in a Tesla model 3 from Sydney to Wagga Wagga in 2 weeks, planning on stopping at Goulburn, Yass and Jugiong. Anyone used these charge sites before, will gladly receive some hints and tips.
New user
4 Messages
2 years ago
I would like to suggest Adaminaby and Khancoban as useful locations for a charger.
Crossing the Snowies can use a lot more power than one expects and there is nowhere to charge after Wagga or Dog on the Tuckerbox when heading to Cooma via Snowy Mountains Highway and if taking the Alpine Way there is nothing between Jindabyne and Wagga or Holbrook.
New user
38 Messages
2 years ago
When is NRMA going to set up DC Fast chargers at Moree and Narrabri it has been over 2 years now that I first asked this question. Is the NRMA going to also have backups, for example the Queensland super highway have type 2 back ups x 2 units incase the fast 50kwDC charger is out of order, however I see this is not the case at many NRMA fast chargers.
New user
27 Messages
2 years ago
Wishlist items :)
There are a lot of complaints about the reliability of the fast chargers, eg. Wallsend has 0/2 NRMA fast chargers working right now.
Overall I've found the network to be good, and the lack of NRMA Type 2 infrastructure is resolved with the recent acquisition of Chargefox. Please keep expanding this system out.
New user
4 Messages
2 years ago
I am an NRMA member for 32 years and a Polestar2 owner. My wife has a Tesla. I regularly drive between Sydney and Bathurst, including daily commuting from Blue Mountains to Bathurst.
The NRMA fast charge network is very important to me and supported the reason for my switching to an EV. At the moment, when commuting from Blue Mountains to Bathurst, I am limited to the fast charger at Lithgow where only one of the two stations have been operational for many weeks now. The Bathurst charger remains out of action and there are no fast chargers in the Blue Mountains.
Each week I am pleased to see more EVs on the road, yet with minimal places to charge there is increasing charging congestion which will further impede the migration towards EVs.
I see the NRMA, along with the automobile associations of other states, as an important advocacy in the nations transition away from fossil fuels and an alternate voice to the lobby groups with interests embedded in the fossil fuel industry and vehicle manufacturers who are seeking to continue to hold back on transitioning to EV and H2 vehicles.
An important part of NRMA/motor association advocacy is the support and extension of fast charging networks to break down the "inconvenience" of charging EVs. The NRMA branding of charge stations is a high value advocacy in this, except when they aren't working where all the advocacy effort is negated due to "reliability".
The case for more charging stations - A regional centre petrol station will generally have six to eight bowsers and there are several service stations. In Bathurst/Kelso there are about 14 petrol stations! It takes 5-10minutes to fill a car with petrol, 10 - 15minutes for an EV on an ultra fast charger, 40minute to an hour on a fast charger. Tesla have recognised this and established their proprietary charge network in Bathurst with 6 charge stations - they are yet to open it to other vehicles (they have overseas at a premium for non-Tesla). Non-Tesla vehicles, of which there is pleasingly an increasing variety, have one NRMA fast charge station (which a Teslas can also use), but it remains off-line.
I have so many questions: When will Bathurst and the second Lithgow charger be back in service? When will NRMA have fast charging in the upper Blue Mountains? Are these fast charge stations going to be duplicated/extended and upgraded to ultra-fast? What is NRMA doing in collaboration with service stations like Ampol who are starting to roll out charging stations at their service stations?
New user
2 Messages
2 years ago
What is the schedule for installing chargers between Canberra and the coast? According to PlugShare, the only charging facilities between Canberra and Batemans Bay are some wall sockets (and supposedly a 3 phase outlet) in Bungendore.
New user
8 Messages
2 years ago
Having two (or more) DC chargers in each NRMA EV Fast Charging location is good for travellers. As more and more people use EVs the demand for reliable chargers along highways is increasing, and when travelling there is no option to 'charge at home'
It is important for location to have good lighting after dark.
It is important for location to have accessible toilets 24x7 within a short walk.
Please consider making the charging spots wide enough for mobility impaired people to use them- able to open car to full extent in each marked spot plus shared extra space. The dimensions in Australian Standard AS2890.6 would be good reference, in particular "parking for people with disabilities for any duration of parking/stopping"