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Thursday, March 23rd, 2023 12:26 AM

NSW South Coast - Very few charging stations

A quick question - more to NRMA.

Love the network you are setting up. All charging networks are understandably building the Hume capacity, however the Princes Hwy is dry as the nullabor for charging stations, particularly below Nowra. The large population around Ulladulla/Milton, has zero DC. I will stand to be corrected, but I cant see anyting.

Anything soon maybe? 

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2 years ago

You are right. I have written to the Mayor of Shoalhaven and both MP's plus Woolworths. All you get is anodyne support letters and no action.

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6 Messages

@Kent​ Thanks. Ill do similar now. Being in sales, this leaves a real problem for working in that region.

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PS - I contacted Milton / Ulladulla Chamber of Commerce. They are dropping it onto their next agenda.

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Excellent. I hope they do something.

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2 years ago

Note that Telsa recently made the Narooma superchargers open to non-Tesla vehicles. That makes a big difference.

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Is there some way that you can confirm if a Tesla supercharger is open to non Tesla’s? It would make long trips down South Coast much easier. 

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30 Messages

@KonaEV23​ "Is there some way that you can confirm if a Tesla supercharger is open to non Tesla’s?" Yes. Option 1) Look under the 'Charge my non-Tesla' option in the Tesla phone app (which you will need to operate the charger) or 2) See the annotation in PlugSharej (phone app or website). 

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10 Messages

@KonaEV23​ the Tesla chargers at Narooma in the shopping centre are open to everyone but you still need to have their app to use them.

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50 Messages

@KonaEV23​ With the recent opening of more Tesla superchargers, I was sent this link by a Tesla friend. Hope it helps.


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2 years ago

There is one NRMA charger in Bega. The Tesla chargers in Narooma are expensive for non Tesla users. There are two publicly available chargers in Bermagui (though well hidden). There is a group trying to get a charger at the Bermagui Fishermans Wharf. I'd say most EVs down here are being home charged. I tried to plan a trip to Bairnsdale from Bermagui but gave up with so few chargers and reportedly the ones that are in place hardly ever work.

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2 years ago

Yes, Batemans Bay has good charging. Then not until Bega. If you stop anywhere in between it gets difficult to charge up . Would love NRMA to install at Narooma. Any plans ?

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NRMA who saved us from the AC chargers in Canberra by limping to NRMA Goulburn 👍Can I vote for a charger in Narooma as many visitors can charge in the Bay then not again until Bega. Narooma would be an excellent location 🙏Thankyou 

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252 Messages

2 years ago

Hey @yesacm thanks for the love. Also, have to say I think a site in town at either Ulladulla or Milton would be super handy to have. Our EV fast charging network on the South Coast currently includes sites at Berry, Batemans Bay and Bega. We are currently planning the next phase of our network expansion, with the South Coast under consideration as part of this, so please stay tuned for more announcements as we head further into 2023. 

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Thanks Paul. I contacted Milton/Ulladulla chamber of commerce and communicated with them. They are looking into it. I recommended they contact NRMA re to set up chargers in Ulladulla. Milton doesn't have the sites or potential for 24/7. Ulladulla have several well lit quiet spots near Maccas 24/7 and other potential nearby restaurants/cafes and CBD just a couple of mins walk. Do you want me to PM Chamber contact name or you can email my member address and I'll supply the name. They need a solution and so do we. 

PS- keep up the good work.

Silver user


252 Messages

Hello @yesacm I've reached out to the team on this, and you can share the following email with the chamber to get in touch discuss potential charger locations: energyadmin@mynrma.com.au. I know the team do receive lots of different leads, so I'm not sure if all can be followed up, but it's definitely the best place to reach out to get discussions underway.  

EV community admin

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Thanks for following up Paul. Greatly appreciated. I shall pass this message on. I hope they take on this initiative to the next step. Again, thanks for your follow-up. Good luck with NRMAs continued roll-out.

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252 Messages

My pleasure @yesacm . Best of luck with it all and thanks for being part of the community. 

EV community admin

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2 years ago

I agree, it would be great to have some EV chargers in Ulladulla just like Batemans Bay has. Would increase tourists visiting with EVs and help locals like myself. 

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2 years ago

Gosh. I couldn’t agree more. We went via Hume to Merimbula but M31 was pretty poor too due to out of services topped off by high demand from school holiday traffic. And people leaving charged cars in charging bays while others wait. 

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74 Messages

Today I wrote to the Bega Valley Shire Council to complain about the lack of charging infrastructure on the NSW far south coast. The NRMA charger at Bega was commissioned in 2019 and there has been nothing since. On my last visit to Merimbula, I charged off a power point for 28 hours at my accommodation.

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@bje​ good one. I also email into the chamber of commerce of the towns I need DC charging when I do regional sale calls. They don't want to lose business. My emails to them state that my money two or three times a year goes elsewhere into towns with chargers. They usually reply. Those that don't simply lose my spending. The slower they are, the more it will become obvious.

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2 years ago

There is now an ev charger at Bermagui Fishermans Wharf, installed but to yet operational. Unfortunately, it is a Schnieder EVLink and looks to be a 7kw with two outlets. You will need to bring your own cable. For anyone needing a fast charger, there is still nothing in town. But at least there is now something publicly available in the car park.

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@namiley​ 7kW (or 11kW or thereabouts) is a useful rate for 'destination charging', which is different from the much faster DC charging that is used along highway routes. The location is where people might plug in for an hour or two while having a meal or taking a stroll into town. Both  sorts are useful. Banks of cheap-to-install relatively slow AC charging in carparks where people are stopped for a few hours can reduce the need for very expensive, much faster DC chargers. 

The more people make use of destination charging, the less they need highway charging. By way of example, I have just got home today from a few days away about 300km from home. I had 11kW charging where I was staying (some seaside cabins) so I did not need any charging anywhere else while doing local driving or en route for getting home. 

Re BYO cable AC outlets. I much prefer chargers with captive cables from a user's point of view. On the other hand, in some locations, the plugs can be vulnerable to vandalism or accidental damage and a BYO outlet is more likely to remain safe and usable. In can understand why they are preferred in some public locations. A good cable that will last many years only costs about $250, which is nothing compared with the cost of a car. I think we all just need to buy one and leave it in the car. 

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74 Messages

Agreed @PeterCa! There is still too much "petrol bowser" thinking. In some places, 350 kW is important. In others, 7kW is plenty. If I am staying somewhere for several days, I am even happy with a 10 amp power point and my portable charge cord.

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@PeterCa​ you are quite right about the slow charger being ok most of the time. Bermagui is a weekend spot for people from Caberra with the nearest fast chargers being Bega or Batemans Bay (I'll discount the Narooma Teslas because of the .89c price that most people would avoid if possible). A fast charger at Bermagui or Cobargo (which might be more useful than Bermi) would help relieve the end of weekend rush at those two locations. I looked up the EVLink unit and it will be going out of production in December and only supported till end 2025, which was a bit of a shock. These small units would be excellent curb side chargers for people on the move during a day. I bought a cable shortly after getting my Atto 3, most of the chargers around me are destination chargers so having a cable seemed appropriate (I have yet to use it but it is sitting in the car just in case). 
