4 Messages
Charging at Tesla supercharger
I recently tried to charge my GWM Ora at the Campbelltown Catholic Club supercharger but kept getting that no car was detected. Is this from GWM’s end or Tesla.
4 Messages
I recently tried to charge my GWM Ora at the Campbelltown Catholic Club supercharger but kept getting that no car was detected. Is this from GWM’s end or Tesla.
New user
17 Messages
2 years ago
How did you go Samir, I saw somebody comment on FB that Ora had a problem with ABB chargers also?
Bronze user
50 Messages
2 years ago
Hi @Samirv It's hard to say. I've used the Superchargers at Hollydene a number of times to charge my Polestar 2 since they opened up earlier this year (they were one of the initial 5 to open up). Never had a problem, but a friend who only tried once with his Polestar 2 was unable to initiate a charge on any of the six stalls.
I have noticed from Plugshare comments that MG's seem to be a bit hit and miss at the same location.
Being on private property, the owners do provide feed back to Tesla, but I'd be pretty sure that Tesla would also be collecting the data from the Superchargers. It's one thing they do very well. Hopefully they will be able to sort out any issues soon.
I will be trying the Campbelltown ones myself next week
3 Messages
1 year ago
There are many people I know who has faced this issue.