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6 Messages
ACT charging stations
we assumed that the green ACT would have good DC cover. Mistake. On way out of town to Sydney we checked apps and saw lots of choice Fyshwick / Majura. However, being new to this game we did not check the kws of each. The faster was Tesla only, leaving only 11 & 22 kws ACs…with no shade on a 39 degree day. Yeesh it was hot. Charged enough to limp to Goulburn with fingers crossed where fast chargers were available (NRMA thank you). Is NRMA thinking of putting faster chargers at this end of Canberra town for travelers ?
Thank you
Accepted Solution
New user
5 Messages
2 years ago
It is indeed disappointing that there are limited choices in DC rapid charging in the ACT. I can charge at home using our Zappi EVSE but on occasions it would be great to have a DC choice for those times I can't get it done at home.
BTW, there was a DC rapid charger in Civic but that has been offline as the carpark it is in is being used for the Light Rail extension works.
Accepted Solution
Silver user
252 Messages
2 years ago
Hello @Grahathe NRMA is currently planning the next phase expansion of its charging network and the ACT and surrounds are under consideration in that. These things do take a little time to plan before details can be shared, but we hope to share the news as soon as possible.
New user
2 Messages
2 years ago
I had the same experience and had to charge in Goulburn and was lucky that one of the four there was working.
Allegedly the public service provides free chargers for staff. Too bad for everyone else.
New user
13 Messages
1 year ago
I’m with you @Grahajaro. I get very frustrated every time I come to Canberra (maybe 4 times a year) to find the charging situation hasn’t improved.
My next action is to contact my local Federal MP (drives a Tesla) and ask her to advocate on behalf of other EV users. She will be very supportive - though it is an ACT issue not a Federal issue, I’m sure Federal parliamentarians have a level of influence within the ACT. I’ve written my questions below. If you want to add any questions or comments please respond to my post and I’ll send them all in one go.
1. Why are there so few public DC fast/superfast chargers in Canberra? It is embarrassing that our Nation’s capital city lags so far behind every other capital city in the eastern states.
2. Is there a timetable for rolling out public DC chargers in our Nation’s capital?
3. Why does planning/approvals/installation for DC chargers take so long? Can we advocate for all states/territories to introduce fast-tracking of planning/approvals/installation to support reaching state and Federal emission targets.
4. The lack of charging stations adds at least 50 minutes to my return trip from Canberra to the northern beaches of Sydney (Avalon). I have to top up at the Realm Hotel for 30 minutes, longer if I have to wait. I have breakfast or lunch while doing so and therefore contributing to the ACT economy. Then I have to top up again at Sutton Forest West using the Evie super fast charger for another 20 minutes. That makes a 4.5 hour trip (with 30 minute break), into a 5.5 hour trip. I think that’s crazy. I shouldn’t have range anxiety travelling to, from or through Canberra.