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BYD Sealion 7
I've had a few test drives in the BYD Sealion 7. I like it a lot but not sure if I should be concerned about the range and the efficiency. The range is under 500ks and the efficiency is approx 18 to 20kWh/100ks. Tesla Model 3 is 14kWh/100. I'm not technical enough to know whether it's important.
I've emailed NRMA technical but haven't received a reply as yet.
Just an interesting sidenote. Sunglasses problem.
I found out when driving the Sealion 7 with sunglasses that the Heads Up Display is a lot less clear and the real surprise was that when you turned the middle screen from landscape to portrait the screen disappears if you are wearing sunglasses. Not a deal breaker but still a good thing to know before buying.
Bronze user
105 Messages
11 days ago
The disappearing screen may not be a problem with non-polarising sunglasses, I suspect you might have polarising sunglasses. If you turn your head to match the screen orientation, the display should re-appear.
Range is very dependent on driving speed and other conditions. Also, are your quoted efficiency numbers both using the WLTP range? Different methods give differing results, some more unachievable that others.
If the car has sufficient real world range for your usual driving, then the published numbers don't matter a lot, other than charging at public chargers may cost a bit more for the lower efficiency.