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17 Messages
Would you buy a Cybertruck "Beast edition" or an F-150 Lightning if money was no object?
We just updated our "Are there electric utes available in Australia?" piece on the EV Hub! Latest additions are of course the Ford F-150 Lightning and the Cybertruck (although whether it will actually be sold here is still very up in the air!)
Bronze user
105 Messages
10 months ago
No and no. Monster trucks are a danger to other road users, particularly those walking or cycling, as well as being a waste of resources for the use many of them are put to.
Fair enough if you often have large loads to carry or tow, but most I see where I cycle just have a driver, and sometimes a passenger. Of course the monster trucks are all ICE vehicles at the moment, and they just love giving the throttle a jab to create extra clouds of black smoke (aka coal rolling) as they zoom past as I'm cycling. They also love to do it to EVs from what I've read.
When those attracted to this type of vehicle switch to EVs, hopefully their behaviour will improve!