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1 Message

Monday, April 10th, 2023 1:23 AM


Does this community include EV motorcycles or is it only for cars?

Accepted Solution

Community support


44 Messages

2 years ago

Welcome, Brian! I'm Daniel from the NRMA team. Sorry for the short delay. A few of the team are away on Easter Holidays! We would love to hear more about your experiences as an electric motorcyclist? Do you take road trips or is it more for day-today commuting? How do you find the charging/riding experience?



Bronze user


50 Messages

2 years ago

This community members says yes, motorcycles are Electric Vehicles after all. 
Welcome @Brian

NRMA Employee


5 Messages

2 years ago

Welcome Brian, the community does include EV motorcycles. A number Electric Motorcycle displays from different companies have made an appearance at the NRMA Drive Days including the Harley-Davidson Livewire at the recent Wagga Wagga event. 
