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Australia's EV Momentum Continues in Early 2024
Australia's EV transition progressed in early 2024 despite ebbing sales. With greater awareness of the capabilities of EVs, dropping prices and more models set to arrive, is the tide set to turn?
The first half of 2024 has seen many pivotal moments for the electric vehicle (EV) transition in Australia: not least the introduction of a New Vehicle Efficiency standard (NVES), which aims to reduce the average emissions of Australia’s car fleet.
But it has also been six months beset with global headwinds and local hurdles. Inflation and interest rates are hitting household pockets hard, while sentiment towards EVs has soured as misinformation about EVs proliferates. As industry bodies caution against parking and charging EVs in carparks, drivers seem to be backing away over EV safety concerns.
We take a look at the last six months in the EV landscape in Australia.
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